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Meet Evans😅

Since enrolling at Yala Township Primary School, I had consistently taken position two in almost every exam. I had tried year in year out, but with no success, to emerge the top student.
In class seven, there was an influx of new students. From what I heard, most parents prefer letting their children learn in private schools upto class seven before transferring them to public schools to stand chances of getting placement to better Secondary schools. Several girls joined us from what I presumed as prestigious private schools. Then joined a boy. I can upto date vividly remember when he was brought to our class by Mr. Owino, the deputy headteacher in charge of academics.

It was some minutes past ten. Mr. Agina was in front of the class explaining some complex Maths concept that I struggled to comprehend😪.
Mr. Owino together with the boy made a soft footed procession towards our class, the deputy headteacher’s big stomach jiggling with the strenuous pace. The mid morning yellow sun threw their black shadows ahead of them.

The boy’s arms and legs were slender and he was slightly taller than me. He walked with a natural gait and pride, with his chin up and his mouth slightly open as he smiled. He was very neat and seemed well kept. On his back was a big grey King’s collection backpack.

Mr. Owino’s deep bass voice reverberated in the classroom as he introduced the boy. The boy’s moist soft lips parted into a broad smile to reveal a set of perfect white teeth. His eyes were full of genuine excitement. He introduced himself as Evans. Evans Osoro. I froze momentarily when Mr. Owino emphasized how Evans had been topping his previous school. I turned my head slowly and our eyes met. I felt alarmed😥.

During break, Evans walked to the class notice board and thoroughly scrutinised the merit list. I was seated in the front row. He glanced at my desk and saw a book bearing a name similar to what he saw on the list. Then he meekly asked, “We ndo Harry Ivan?”. I nodded in agreement as I mumbled a faint “eeeh.”

Evans was really bright, today I admit🙌😂. With the exception of Languages where I used to floor him, he knew every maths concept, he had the answers to all technical Science and Social Studies questions. From then henceforth, Evans topped the class in all exams until KCPE where he scored 397 marks, shy of 400 by only 3.
The girl who followed him had 354 marks. What a range! I came fourth with 346🙈😂

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